These itineraries are designed for those who intend to visit the celebrated churches of Florence, such as Santa Maria Novella, or Santa Croce, or again santo spirito. Each itinerary is independant having as its focus one of these.
Santa Maria Novella. The itinerary begins at the splendid facade of the 1400s, designed by Leon Battista Alberti, and continues inside where one finds the fascinating and significant Crucifix by Giotto, the Trinity by Masaccio, and the splendid frescoed chapels of the 13 and 1400s. Not to be missed is a visit to the green cloister with its Spanish Chapel, an important visual tractus on the role of the Dominican order.
Entrance fee not included
Santa Croce. The itinerary leads from the square of S. Croce, a point of reference for civic traditions such as the famous historical Florentine Football, inside the church where there are not only the famous frescoed chapels of the 1300s, amongst which two by Giotto, but also the tombs of numerous illustrious persons: Michelangelo, Machiavelli, Galileo, Ghiberti and many others. The visit will also include the Pazzi Chapel, a jewel of Renassaince architecture designed by the father of Renaissance architecture Brunelleschi. One can also visit the little museum of the monastery, contained in a wing of the monastery itself.
Santo Spirito. This itinerary departs from the square in front of the Church, then we enter the Church, a space designed by Brunelleschi, father of Renaissance architecture. One of his last project, it was completed by his followers. It contains a great number of interesting altarpieces in the side chapels, some with original 15th century frontals, which are generally absent in later traditions. Of great effect is the addition of a central baroque altar rich in various coloured marbles. From the lefthand nave one enters a vestibule and sacristy designed by Andrea Sansovino, Giuliano da Sangallo and Il Cronica where we find a crucifix purportedly by Michelangelo.